Whats this? A new post, blimey! Third times the charm. Maybe this year i'll update this more frequently, (yeah, right) and perhaps I'll finish the draft posts form last year!
Well its a nice idea anyway. On with the new stuff.
If you dont care for Warhammer, then you might as well skip this, as its pretty much all about that for this post. You have been warned. I assure you, there will be some variation coming shortly. Skip to the end and see what else i'm going to maybe forget to post about thats happened since I last did anything here.
For the couple of years or so i've been making an Imperial Guard army, i say making, i've been rebuilding one I had some time ago and adding to it for the new rules. Surprisingly ignoring a game for a decade results in the rules changing dramatically.
After much pondering and delay in actually doing anything at all to make them line up in a coherent fashion i've decided on my company colours and markings. Which is a fairly big step in actually finishing models. For sometime i've had Red and Blue pegged as the first Platoon colours, but other than that, I've been indecisive. Blue is the overall company colour, and Red the platoon colour. In addition, this will be the Cadian 83rd Mobile Infantry. With that, every squad that can be, will have a dedicated transport available to them to use. That means a chimera for every command squad and regular troop squad in the company.
With the potential for 6 platoons, one command squad and 5 infantry squads in each one, that makes for 36 Chimeras. Sigh. This would be awesome, had i not made a fatal mistake when painting some of my tanks to paint each of the rivets in the hull silver. 724 rivets PER Chimera. So far, I have 4.
Granted i've actually got a couple more that either need building or painting, but this is at least the ones i've finished. Still, this amounts to roughly 2900 rivets. Fortunately, i've also finished the troops to go with these, but i'll post them another time.
I also dont actually need 36 of these, as due to various other choices i have for the army, i will (for now at least) be limiting it, if i can call it that, to 4 platoons, which is a mere 24, not including a couple other ones for company command squads and commissars.
The company command one wont be standard however, and i'm trying to collect various parts i need for this conversion. the only completed part so far is the extra large turret on the front-left tank in that picture.
Among the other tanks which are complete are 3 Leman Russ and a Baneblade. The Baneblade is also covered in rivets. As i recall a fraction over 2200 of them which was really fun(!)
Some of you might be wondering "why did he count them" because when you're doing this for a while, you begin to wonder, and wondering leads to wanting to know, which is frequently a mistake.
My Aim is that by the end of February to have a complete platoon. Thats a command squad, 5 troop squads, 5 heavy weapon squads and 2 special weapon squads. The tanks...? will come with time. It's actually not all that impossible to achieve, all bar 2 heavy squads and the command squad are done, requiring nothing more than touching up here and there and sealing.
If you've made it this far and haven't skilled through, well done. Hopefully you might think i've done a decent job with painting those few tanks at least, if you skipped, at least you're here.
You want more thing? I went to Dreamhack (as my blog once showed) and MineCon, i should really finish posting about those... I need to redo the network in the house, which is probably blog worthy, as well as the TV setup with the new unit. Theres probably more too, who know. Food? Yeah probably food.
Thats enough for now, its almost getting productive here.
Just to let you know I are reading so you maybe keep posting. I don't have anything constructive to say, sorry :P