So far we've left the UK, made into France and then Germany, something I've done a lot all told when going to the Nurburgring. Today is different, for today we head south to Austria. I've never been to Austria before, and by the looks of it, I'm only barely going there now as the Lake we're near in Bregenz is within spitting distance of Germany, Lichtenstein and Switzerland.
On the way, during an emergency pit stop to change from jeans to shorts due to the suddenly and frankly roasting weather, I found this.
One Milka frappe and one slab of
cake. Dux had a McFlurry
cake. Dux had a McFlurry
The bigger surprise when i was given the cake was the real china plate and a proper metal fork. Obviously something we couldn't be trusted with in the UK. (Feel free to correct me if they do have them, but i doubt it a lot)
The next part of the journey was about an hour, finishing with a 7.5km tunnel into Bregenz.
Once again, Superman lead the way.
As it turns out, there's a famous theatre here on the lake, most notably in Quantum of Solace. Sat at the top of the banks at sunset, Mozart started playing from the PA, despite no production being running, just for the sake of it in the evening, which was nice.
There's also a big public area between the shore and the town with a mini golf course (i shot 62, Dux got 56) and a giant chess board (haven't played yet). As well as a full size steam train in the play area for kids to muck around on. Just a tank engine and nothing like the Mallard, but still.
Free day tomorrow, must find things to do before we move on to Italy on Wednesday.
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