Thursday, 16 May 2013

Golf Audio - Part 1

For those that don't know, I've got a Golf. Its pretty heavily stripped out for track use. Because its stripped out, it was also the easiest thing to install a spare sub into I had laying around. The sub's been through quite a few car's i've owned since the mid 2000's, but nothing was this easy to do (the first time).

Adenau - Nurburgring
There's no before picture, because i didn't think (surprising how often i forget and just start working on something before i decide to write anything up). Previously there was a false floor over the spare wheel which the sub sat on, and this worked fine until the space saver i had in there, turned out to be fractionally too small to fit the front wheels. A full size alloy meant the floor didn't sit properly and it slid off, so it needed to be fixed.

Instead of putting the floor back and raising it up, it seamed more sensible to move it forwards to make the wheel well and general boot area easier to get to and use. People said stripping everything and then putting this in was a waste of time, but given its removable when i'm on track, and the drive to and from the track is pretty monotonous with poor sounding music, i don't really care :D.

This is the back of the car as it was.

The back 'seats'
Lacking a big enough sheet of wood to make a new floor, I used the old one.

The biggest issue was making sure the new seat belts would clear the eventual location, even though they're not in yet, i don't want to have to change this later.

More shaping and securing the floor together...

The floor will probably end up getting something stuck under it and need to be removed, so needs to be removable, and as I cant get under to hold one side, I've had to make pins to bolt to.

The pins stick just far enough through for a wing nut to go on the top without leaving thread sticking out.

Behold! It fits.

The old covering was re-purposed and doesn't look too bad, its not perfect, but it works.

Test fit! Still fits...

Perhaps not my most flattering angle, or the most comfortable position to work in.

As is evident by the darkness outside, this took a while to finally wire and bolt in, but it worked and the boot is massively more useful now I don't have to reach over the top of the sub.

Eventually i'll put the ooooold build log up of the car. Maybe.

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