The BBQ smoker last weekend was a resounding success and to round off the recent BBQ trend thread for the time being here's what happened to the pork.
The joint cooked and came out looking, well pretty black. I decided i'd chop it into smaller chunks and serve it along with the other meat and heat it through on the BBQ itself with the burgers, when I had an idea!
A few weeks back i'd made a sauce for the THaTLAN BBQ. We marinated the left overs of the 6Kg rib challenge (that's another post entirely) a number of us tried the previous night in it and served it in cups as a sort of starter if you will.
So this time, instead of using 1l of coca-cola as the base, i took some advice form a friends brother who's a chef. I got some brown sauce as a base (in this case HP Guinness flavour) and put about 1/3 of the bottle in a pan with what was left over from a couple bottles of maple syrup (probably about 50-75ml at most), some malt vinegar, some honey and mustard sauce and the juice (and some flesh) of a large lemon.
The mix looked a little short, so after adding another dose of everything I had I'd increased the volume about another 1/3 and whisked it more.
Next i raided the cupboard for more flavours, not that it tasted bad, just it couldn't hurt to add more at this stage. The next lot was basically just a rummage to see what I had ending up with Basil, Parsley, Oregano, celery and garlic salt, onion granules, mixed herbs, and some liquid seasoning, sometimes called liquid smoke.
This, and more of the mustard sauce from earlier went in the pan, along with 100-150ml of coca-cola which I'd used to rinse the maple syrup and mustard jars out with to avoid wastage. The whole thing got whisked again and then left to simmer for half an hour with the lid on. Then all the pork was poured in and left another hour to breakdown. I also added some of the fat from the joint which was taken off and chopped it as finely as I possibly could to allow the flavours to mix in more. In addition to this I also put 3-4shots of Jack Daniels Honey Sour Mash in the mix before the meat was added, just to make it that little bit more delicious.
After an hour or so cooking down the pork started to break apart and formed more of a pulled, rather than chopped pork. The pan went outside to the bbq and got thrown onto burgers for the last few minutes before serving them.
All in all, i'll probably end up making this again and give some better measurements and more pictures, this was put together in about 20 minutes while guests were arriving and got a good reception. Maybe with more time to think about stuff instead of just doing it, it wont be as good or spontaneous, but we'll see.
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