At the side of the house is a path with some space, and m e being me, i've filled it with loads of stuff and made it a pain to Sues bike out. On top of this its covered with a tarp (yes, its a tarp!) which is far too big, despite being cut in half already.
A while ago I made a BBQ cover and used some stainless steel hooks to hang the tarp from the fence so i'm using the same idea again.
To hold the frame around the bike and help lift it out of the way we've made a frame to hold the tarp in its shape. Fortunately i've had this 2x1 sitting around for ages and its been getting in the way, so at least its been used at last.
Because the fence goes at an angle from the path the sides have to be different lengths and a normal hinge wouldn't work. Using another two hooks and some spare metal brackets the frame hinges nicely on a couple of bump stops screwed underneath.
The tarp hangs over it pretty well but clearly baggy.
Took about an hour to wrangle the tarp and staple it down, by which time the sun went down. I'll take another picture of it open and post it later. The sides are zip tied through punch holes, but the eyelets wouldn't crimp properly (cheap Maplin tool) so i improvised.
The bottom edge at the front is weighted with some steel 1/16" angle so it doesnt flap about badly and stays roughly where it should, again same as the BBQ cover.
All in all, it's pretty much how I wanted save for not using the eyelets like on the BBQ cover and one side not being quite so nicely fitted at the top. But it works, and that's all that matters, plus theres space for two bikes so if i ever get round to cycling again, its ready to go.
Or, I can stick my bike there : \
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