Tuesday, 11 March 2014

LAN In A Box - Part 6, Cables!

eBay is a funny thing, sometimes you get screwed over in what you receive, sometimes you get a lot more. I came back one day to find a package has arrived, about 4 feet long, no idea what it was, nothing i'd ordered was this kind of size and weight.

As it turned out, it was a pair of 3U rack rails i'd ordered from eBay the week before. Only they were slightly bigger, 30U in fact. So if anyone needs a couple of dozen U of rack rails, let me know! Here they are besides the Box they're supposed to fit inside...

After a little while with a hacksaw and file the rails were trimmed to a more reasonable 2U (I thought 3U would be too big, but gave enough extra to play around with). The left rail attaches to a pine uprights which screws to the base and the other to the side.

Here's a picture of the power and switch (which should probably have been in the previous post about power installation. The second 4-way was shortened substantially to neaten it all up.

The first runs of cable go in!

After what felt like an hour of threading cat5 cables, the first batch were tidied together with cable ties into a 4x4 bundle. It looks incredibly neat, but it's also an enormous pain to do in a small space.

Next comes patching and testing and more threading of cables. So many cables...

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