Tuesday, 29 April 2014

LAN In A Box - Part 7, Return of the Cable Nightmare.

A lot of progress has been made on LIAB since the last post about cables, despite a couple of months of stalling waiting to get some parts and have the time. However, much has progressed.

All of the cables are now in the lower portion and run towards the patch panel up the back. They're a little more bulky than I would have liked. somewhere down the line if I ever rebuild this, this is one fo a few minor tweaks i'd make to the sizing.

In order to stop the swarm of cables escaping the front of the box as they were pushing the door, this fetching yellow zip tie had to be added. I'll probably change this if I remember never :)

So the nest of cables lives in the top of the box, ready for patching, fortunately I numbered every cable to be sure it ends up in the right port. What I should have done was do it much further down the cable however, so began an hour of shortening and relabeling cables to fit everything back inside.

I would have gone straight to patching, were it not for the panel I intended on using finally giving up and refusing to play ball. I found that certain pairs on some ports would only transmit if both cables of that pair were punched down. And some wouldn't unless one was removed. It was a nightmare and in the end for the sake of £20, i bought a new panel.

In the mean time, this is the contents of the box. Some spares such as power and ethernet cables, an uplink cable to the hall's 'net socket, and 4-way to extend power to the box if needed and a load of spare parts for the box itself including a keyboard, HDD, and two wifi APs

... plus a screen.

 This week will be pretty thick with updates of LIAB as it needs to be working for the weekend. Wish me luck!

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