Monday, 18 April 2016

Pallets of Veg. - Pt 2

The veg patch got more sides, but instead of making each piece fit in place we did some planning! 

The second bed needs completing and it was worth a shot at making up a whole side as a single piece first and then putting it in place. Sort of a good plan, but it was substantially harder to hammer into the ground, purely because it's harder to avoid the random deposits of rocks and stones underneath the grass.

The next bed, down the side of the house framing the path from the gate was made in a few pieces instead and knocked into an existing trench (made by removing the stone edging) and then backfilling slightly.

Far easier, still not as easy as building it in place a piece at a time, but that's much more time consuming, so either way, nothings perfect. Perhaps a bigger hammer...

Our landlord happened to have a greenhouse going spare during some improvements of his own so we carried it (without the glass) over the hedge into our garden. Back (as we've found out since) to within a few feet of where it was removed from this garden to his years back.

The frame is sound, but covered in moss. The glass was partially out and needs a good clean too, not to mention a few panes are broken so need replacing.

After a good cleaning though, the frame came up really well.

The harder part is laying a brick foundation into the grass, which every few inches has what seems like a thousand stones. At times, it'd be less rocky doing this on a beach. Still plenty of pallets left, probably make a floor, rather than making a flag floor and fitting that in nicely.

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