Sunday, 6 November 2011

The Naanzza: Review Time

Amazing doesn't do this justice. Its no curried chicken as per the original idea (one for another time i suspect) but everything worked perfectly. Just look at it!

Some of the sausage parts were a little over crisp, but everything else was perfect. The naan didn't burn especially and the cheese melted nicely, if anything it could use a little more cheese and a bit less topping so it doesn't fall off as easily, but thats hardly a hardship. 

Thankfully the BBQ-Mint sauce worked and it wasn't too strong either way. For what is essentially something throw together form spare parts in the fridge (besides the naan) i think it came out pretty damn good.

The final piece, loaded with the escaped toppings of its fallen brethren. Delicious, and given i got 2 naans at the indian (New Standard Tandoori, Tadley) i can do it again tomorrow with something different \o/.

Cheers to spicypixel, ZeroG, Vikx, TheDon and the other folk on IRC in #multiplay for helping create the awesome of the Naanzza.

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