Friday, 2 March 2012

Long time, No seige...

As so often the way, life gets in the way of talking about interesting things in life. Well no more (slacking on updates that is)

In line with the last post about the highly successful Naanza, a new idea came up talking to Vikx. Nearby is a kebab shop who have some really pretty stupidly big kebabs for not a great deal (£7.50). But they're chock full of meat, and wrapped in a naan like a burrito instead of a pita.

But thats not enough, a Kebritto is all well and good, but theres room for more, like a pizza for example. So thats the Kebzaritto, Turkish, Italian and Mexican (ok, only due to the wrapping style). One of the meats in the kebab is chicken tikka, which adds Indian into the fray too, although adding that to the name is hard, other than a Tikka prefix.

The plan as it stands is an XXL 4 meat naan kebab, wrapped in probably a bbq chicken medium pizza (for me) and probably a margarita for Vikx. Then chicken strippers between the pizza and the naan for that american touch and then dip. Lots of dip.

I should probably note, this isnt something i'm going to finish in one sitting, I ate in the last week, therefore that wont happen, but i'll give it a good try.

More to come once this abomination gets made tonight.

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