Monday, 2 September 2013

The Big Desk Move - Pt 7: Putting Your Feet Up

One of the final pieces the desk requires is something it rest my feet on. Previously, I used an old box I made for storing drives, but after a lot of use, it's pretty much dead.

The new one will sit over the top of the sub, ideally this means it wont get quite as beaten up as the previous one did (before i used the box).

Fortunately theres a good deal of spare plywood from modifying the desk. A few cuts later the top is ready

I was pretty sure i took a picture of the legs before they went on, but apparently not. I'm sure you can probably picture three pieces of wood in a pile, not too dissimilar from the one above.

Either way, here it is screwed together, next to an empty crate of Warsteiner.

It fits! The sub sit nicely underneath and I can prop my feet up and not tip the sub over when I move. Success!

There's another one which needs to be made for Sue, but that needs storage for things. it'll probably take some time and planning rather than a rather simple thrown together affair like this.

This is actually getting really near to the end of this project with smaller and smaller things being done. I'll probably save a few up for later and post them in a larger multi-point post. For now, just one more to go.

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