Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Big Desk Move - Pt 9: Odds and Ends

By this point the desk has been done for quite some time, (nearly 2 months) but a few things crop up now and again which work quite well and are worth documenting, if only trivially.

My headphones have NEVER had a decent home. I've tried lots of things and never know what to do with them.

So far int he last few years I've tried:
- Hung them by an ear cup off the front of the desk (which just gets hit by the chair and usually leaves a mark on the desk from the cup fabric)
- Under the screen (usually end sin tangled wires with the mouse and keyboard)
- Left them to the side of the mouse/keyboard (now the laptop is there, so no good. Plus it always tangled.)
- Hung them over the screen itself (obscures part of the screen)
Nothing works

I found a metal hook i'd made from some 1/2" x 16 ga. aluminium bar before I got the other hooks which now hold up the laptop PSU. This used to be under the desk and was a bit shabby, but with some extra time with the pliers its turned into a reasonable point to hang the headphones from.

For the time being I've just clamped it in place to see how useful they are in this position. If they get tangled like before I may move it again, but until that happens screwing it into the nice TV mount and leaving a hole if I move it later isn't on the cards.

So far it seems to be a lot better than anything I've done before. I'll probably give it a coat of black paint and some varnish too just so it doesn't look glaringly different to everything else which is either Birch or black currently.

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